What is a "Required" Merit Badge?
Which ones should I earn at Summer Camp?
How many Merit Badges can I earn at Summer Camp?
Where can I find a list of Merit Badges and the requirements for each one?
A Merit Badge is an additional form of advancement. This is similar to the Webelos pins which were earned towards the Webelos and Arrow Of Light ranks in the Cub Scouts.
In order to advance beyond First Class, you must earn Merit Badges. for the Rank of Star you need 6 Merit Badges of the 6, 4 are "Required". For the Rank of Life you must earn an additional 5 Merit Badges, of which 3 are "Required", for a total of 11. For the Rank of Eagle you must earn an additional 10 Merit Badges of which 5 are "Required", for a total of 21.
What is a "Required" Merit Badge?
A "Required" Merit Badge is one which you must earn in order to reach the Rank of Eagle. There are 15 "Required" Merits Badges but you only have to earn 12. For 2 Merit Badges, alternates are allowed. For the Swimming MB, Hiking, and Cycling are alternates. For the Life Saving MB, Emergency Preparedness is the alternate.
Each Merit Badge has a different set of requirements, but the basic procedure is the same.
Choose a MB that you want to do.
See if you can get a buddy to do it with you. It's more fun to have a friend along and this conforms with the Safe Scouting Policy of the BSA.
Ask a Leader for the Merit Badge Counselor list and pick a counselor. If the Troop has a counselor for that MB then I would recommend going to them, but of course you can go to any counselor.
Contact the counselor and arrange an appointment to see them before starting on a MB. The Counselor may provide specific instructions for you to start on before actually going to see him/her.
Fill out a "Blue Card", that is an "Application for Merit Badge". The Scoutmaster, or assistants, and the Advancement Chairman should be able to provide them.
Obtain the Merit Badge Handbook for that Merit Badge. This Handbook lists the requirements and provides information on how to complete them. The Troop has a library of books and you can also get them from the Library or at the Scout Store. The MB Counselor may also lend you one.
When you meet the MB Counselor, remember you must be in full Class - A uniform (unless they tell you otherwise) and bring your Blue Card.
Once you have completed the MB and the Counselor has signed the card return the card to the Advancement Chairman
Which ones should I earn
at Summer Camp?
This is a question which comes up every year and there is no stock answer. In general you will want to earn any "Required" MB that you can in summer camp. Summer camp is the best place to earn Swimming, Camping, Life Saving, and Environmental Science. Of course you wont be able to earn all of them in one year so plan on Summer Camp for several years. For new Scouts going into the Pioneer Program at Wakpominee, the Swimming MB is part of the program.
How many Merit
Badges can I earn at Summer Camp?
This mostly depends on the Merit Badges you take. On average 3-5 is a good number. If you are taking the more difficult Badges, like Environmental Science, then the number will be on the low end. However there are some which are very short like Art and Basket Weaving. I like to recommend that Scouts take Nature and Mammal study as you can get a 2 for 1 since the requirements are similar.
Where can I find a list of Merit Badges and the requirements for each one?
There are many sources. The Troop leaders have a current copy of the BSA Requirements Handbook. Also, there is a WEB page (See Links & Forms) which provides a complete list of Merit Badges and their requirements.