Read This Information!!

   If you finish requirements at different times, fill in the section below and have the MB Counselor initial in case you go to a different MB Counselor.

You must fill in this page.

District = Sagtikos

Council = Suffolk

Scoutmaster MUST sign bottom before you present the card to the

Merit Badge Counselor

Read This Information!!




Enter below:

1. Merit Badge name.

2. MB Counselor's name

3. MB Counselor's Address &

            Tel. number

This section goes to the

Troop Advancement Chairman

Enter below:

1. Your name.

2. Merit Badge name.


Keep this section in a safe place.

You will need it for an Eagle application

Enter below:

Scoutmaster signs here after MB Counselor signs.
1. Your name.

2. Check "Troop". Enter "205"

3. Merit Badge Name



Counselor will keep this section.




When you finish the MB's requirements,

MB Counselor must sign here




When you finish the MB's requirements,

MB Counselor must sign here