Troop 205

2022 Year End Picnic and Court of Honor


Everyone is welcome to attend!

Scouts, parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome to join us for our annual troop picnic and Court of Honor – rain or shine!

Tuesday, June 14th with the barbecue at 6PM. (Rain or Shine)

Traditional Troop 205 Scout and Leader photo 7:15PM.

Court of Honor: 7:30PM

Location: Great River Fire Department

Please fill out the form below and return to Lisa Ruland OR sign up online below by Tuesday, May 29th


Printable Flyer Here

On-Line Sign-up Here

Troop 205 Court of Honor / Picnic

Scout Name
Number of Scouts coming?:
Number of parents/adults coming:
Number of siblings coming:




I will bring >>>>>


(Check 1 or more!)





Side Dish? >>>>>


(Check if "Yes")






Side Dish

If Side Dish, Specify

