1. Review the Sagtikos District procedure. a. Download and review the district procedures from the following link:
2. Selecting an Eagle Coach a. Choose someone that is a BSA registered leader (recommend a leader from the Troop). BSA rules require your Eagle Coach to have completed youth protection training. b. Your coach should be someone you have a personal relationship with. He or She should be someone you trust and are comfortable meeting with. c. Get a notebook to keep track of all your time spent with your coach, and questions you have for them.
3. Role of an Eagle Scout Coach a. Your Eagle Coach will be your guide throughout the entire process. b. He or She will be your first phone call when there is something you don’t understand or need further clarification on a subject. c. You should plan to meet with your coach face to face on a regular schedule depending on the flow of your project. A good starting point is every 2 to 4 weeks. As time goes on the time between meetings could become longer. Make sure you set aside at least 45 minutes a meeting. Don’t wait until the end to meet with your coach. d. As you are on your trail to Eagle write down all of your questions. That way you won’t forget to ask them! |
4. Places to look for an Eagle Scout Project a. Think about something that is important to you. Where do you spend a lot of time? b. The beneficiary must be a non-profit organization. c. Some examples from past projects would be: i. Church ii. State, County, and Town Parks iii. ASPCA iv. Sports Clubs v. Am vets d. Whichever beneficiary you choose to go with the project must be substantial enough for you to demonstrate leadership skills. Although not required, the easiest way to show leadership is to build something, and typically would require one prep day (small group) and one full day of construction (larger group). e. A brief list of examples from previous projects are: i. Planters ii. Gardens iii. Benches iv. Walkways v. Bird / Bat Houses vi. Combination of 2 or more of the above f. Talk to your beneficiary, use your imagination, and challenge yourself! You are capable of completing something great! |
5. Get approval from your beneficiary a. You will likely meet with your beneficiary 1-4 times before you reach an agreement for your project. If possible bring your coach and/or a guardian with you. b. Ask them what they are looking for. They will have ideas for you. Free labor will not be turned away by a non-profit. c. Meet with your coach and go over your options. Decide on a project that is not too big and not too small. Your coach will help you with this process. d. After you, your coach, and your beneficiary decide on your project it is time to start your proposal. |
6. Eagle Scout Project Book – Part 1 – The Proposal a. Download the latest workbook from the following site: https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/advancement-and-awards/eagle-scout-workbook/ (this will ensure you get the latest version) b. Follow the instructions very carefully in part 1 of the project book. (See attached) c. Type out all of the sections in Microsoft Word or an equivalent, then copy and paste into the project workbook. d. Use full and complete sentences in each section, even in sections that may not apply. e. Do not use one word answers. f. Include more detail than the proposal requires. (The more you plan now the less you will have to do later) g. Don’t forget to have your fundraising application ready to be submitted to council. |
7. Proposal Approval a. After you, and your coach have met multiple times and are satisfied the proposal is finished you must submit it to the Troop’s Eagle Team. Submit a message and the book to: eaglereview@t205.net b. The Eagle review team will send you a few suggestions, and let you know what you may have to change or fix before getting approval. Once those changes are made you can then go to the Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman for approval (Don’t be surprised if they have a few things you need to change). You do not have to send the book back to the Eagle Team. c. Go back to your beneficiary and show them what you have planned for them. Then have them sign off on it. d. You then need to have the proposal approved by the district before you can begin your project. Get the name of the district chairperson from a member of the Troop’s Committee or Scoutmaster.
e. Get approval from
the Sagtikos District advancement team. Follow the instructions from
the district f. Complete and Submit Fundraising Application to Council. You may need to estimate the cost of your project prior to completing the Fund Raiser application. g. Submit the application to Council. |
8. Eagle Scout Project Workbook – Part 2 – The Final Plan a. Follow the project workbook "Project Plan" section of the Eagle Project workbook applying the same rules as the proposal. b. Write a letter of solicitation, get into your full Class A uniform and start going from business to business asking for donations. Then a week later make a follow up phone call to all of the businesses you went to. (keep a list) The more you solicit the less you have to fundraise.c. Solicit, solicit, solicit and fundraise, fundraise, fundraise.d. When you are finished filling out this section, you should be able to hand it to a complete stranger and they will be able to complete your project without question. e. Details, details, details. f. Once you are satisfied with the final plan, go over it again with your coach.g. Speak with your Scoutmaster about scheduling a specific date of your project. Have him look over your final plan and agree on a date. h. Execute the project. By this time you will know the project like the back of your hand and will be able tocarry it out flawlessly (with a little help from your friends). Stick to the plan, but don’t worry if some things change. There’s a section for that. |
9. Eagle Scout Project Workbook – Part 3 – The Project Report a. Just like before, follow and fill out each section in the project report. Use complete sentences and include as much detail as you can. Go over it again, and again with your coach. b. Sign the candidate's promise. c. Find your scoutmaster and have him review the entire section, take his advice – then seek his approval. |
10. Submitting your application to council a. Download either the latest blank Eagle Rank application from the following link or go to Scoutbook to have a “mostly completed” application generated for you.
1. Blank application link: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/512-72822c-Eagle-Scout-Application_WEB.pdf
2. Scout Book
Enter Last Name b. You need to compile the following items: i. Eagle Scout Application ii. Life Purpose Letter iii. List of Activities iv. Eagle Project Service Workbook
c . Participate in a Scoutmaster Conference and have the Scoutmaster and committee chair sign the eaglerank application form. d. Make 2 additional copies e. Submit the original and 1 copy to council BEFORE your 18th Birthday. f. Keep one copy for yourself |
11. Board of Review a. The Committee Chair (when notified) will schedule a BOR and will notify the Scout when the BOR will occur. b. There will be a questions and answer session with the committee and district representative. c. You will then leave the room, and the committee will make their decision. d. They will call you back in and let you know their decision. e. They will then give you a sealed packet to bring back to council. |
12. Setting up your Eagle Court of Honor a. Contact your Scoutmaster. |
12. Celebrate a. You’re all set! b. Continue to work on Merit Badges and earn a palm or two. |